Friday, August 13, 2010

Weekend again! Time's flying by super quickly. And I am getting so burned out. I am super unprepared for alevels plz. Today we had a talk by NUS. Gee I wonder which uni is gonna accept me next time hahaha... okay must be positive *happy thoughts*

Eh and I expanded my collage today, it grew about 5 times in size. My wall is prettier now. And I have more inspiration! Yay.

And lastly... WANDERLUST. (Thinking of moving back to wordpress so I can upload alot of big and pretty pictures.) (Picture credits to weheartit)
9:32 PM
Sunday, August 08, 2010

Haha idk man like this year I'm actually feeling kinda patriotic! This year's song is nice. But my mom doesn't think so, but whatever. Corrinne May is (y)! I remember the first time I heard a song by her was in sec 3 or 4 DURING CLE hahaha does anyone else remember this! A.T. made us listen to this song and write reflections in our CLE journal about what love is and I always do my CLE homework and I hand in on time because it's like the easiest to do so I would rather do CLE than do Math or whatever and A.T. wrote in my CLE journal that I was very cynical hahahaha.

My memory is damn awesome.

Okay what a wordy post and I uploaded a picture so that it the blogpost would be MULTIMODAL and if this were an ad it would be DEMANDING not OFFERING *spams ELL*

Er okay and actually I forgot what I wanted to blog about in the first place *headdesk*
11:31 PM
Wednesday, August 04, 2010

This weekend's all set up to be awesome as hell! ♥
Hope everyone has an enjoyable one!
9:45 PM
Monday, August 02, 2010

Happy happy dimsum, steaming in a pot,
once you put one in your mouth you feel like you're on top~
Happy happy dimsum, eat them while they're hot
they can chase your blues away, c'mon~, c'mon~, c'mon give it a shot~

hahaha I just realised it sounds vaguely like an innuendo.
9:02 PM
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